Consider “Time”

I challenge you to “Google” what “time” is.  You will find thousands of words, but no information.  The reason for this is no one knows what “time” really is.  We all live in it and experience it, but it remains a complete mystery. A prominent author recently defined time as “the measure of motion”.  It […]

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The Truth about Sin

Some churches have a preoccupation with sin. It often dominates their sermons, lessons, and discussions.  Because of this, Christians should gain a full understanding about potential transgressions. Sin is curtly described as falling short of the glory of God. While true, this just doesn’t provide a framework Christians can internalize. Sin has two sides to […]

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Real Salvation

  Salvation means spending eternity with God. The Bible says the souls of ALL people are eternal, but only Christians will spend eternity with God.  Christians know the only requirement for attaining salvation is to “believe”. And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved …” Acts 16:31. It sounds really […]

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Made in God’s Image

Even though it is not necessary to understand what “Made in God’s Image” means to become a Christian, it is vital to grasp the concept in order to truly be equipped to explain Christianity in a way people will want to accept Christ’s death and resurrection for themselves. Examine Geneses 1: 26. God said, Let […]

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